Frequently asked questions
How soon can I make an appointment with Dr. Joseph Jimenez?
Generally, Dr. Joseph Jimenez has appointments available on Zocdoc within 1 week. You can see Dr. Jimenez’s earliest availability on Zocdoc and make an appointment online.
Is Dr. Joseph Jimenez accepting new patients?
Dr. Joseph Jimenez generally accepts new patients on Zocdoc. You can see Dr. Jimenez’s earliest availability on Zocdoc and schedule an appointment online.
Does Dr. Joseph Jimenez accept my insurance?
Choose your insurance plan to verify if Dr. Jimenez is in-network.
Can I make an appointment with Dr. Joseph Jimenez online?
Yes, you can make an appointment online with Dr. Jimenez using Zocdoc. It’s simple, secure, and free.
Which hospital is Dr. Joseph Jimenez affiliated with?
Dr. Joseph Jimenez is affiliated with Hudson Regional Hospital.
What practice does Dr. Joseph Jimenez work with?
Where is Dr. Joseph Jimenez's office located?
Dr. Joseph Jimenez has 1 office locations, in Saddle Brook, NJ. Get directions.
Which board certifications does Dr. Joseph Jimenez have?
What are common reasons for patients to see Dr. Joseph Jimenez?
Dr. Joseph Jimenez frequently sees patients for Back Pain, Knee Problems, Orthopedic Consultation, Pain Management Consultation, and Sports Injury. You can see other visit reasons for Dr. Joseph Jimenez on his profile.
What languages does Dr. Joseph Jimenez speak?
For our patients, we strive to give them the very best path to Health, Unique Solutions for pain management, plan for optimal health, and injury prevention.
We provide a truly empathic care.
– Dr. Joseph Jimenez